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Donating on behalf of a donor

You can add a donation on behalf of a donor, for example, when accepting the debit or credit card details over the phone. 

How to donate on behalf of a donor if you need to process a payment: 

1. Log into Generous. 

2. Click Donors > Manage Donors.

3. Choose a donor. 

4. Click Donate.

5. Select Yes to process a payment. 

6. Select an existing campaign to donate to. 

7. Select an existing payment method or click add payment details to add a new one.

8. Select if the payment is one-off or recurring. 

9. Add a donation amount. 

10. Select to Yes contribute to processing fees. 

11. Click Donate

How to donate on behalf of a donor if you don't need to process a payment: 

1. Log into Generous. 

2. Click Donors > Manage Donors.

3. Choose a donor. 

4. Click Donate.

5. Select No to process a payment. 

6. Select Yes to send a receipt to your donor. 

7. Select Yes to sync to your nominated CRM. 

8. Select a donation date. 

9. Select an existing campaign. 

10. Select an existing payment method or click add payment details to add a new one. 

11. Add a donation amount. 

12. Click Record. 

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