When setting up your campaign and giving form, you can choose to give donors the option to increase their donation by a specified percentage to contribute towards processing fees.
How to allow donors option to contribute towards processing fees:
1. Log into Generous.
2. Click Campaign > Edit > Giving Form Tab > Gift Options > Give donor option to contribute toward processing fees?
3. Click Yes.
4. Add what percentage you want your donors to contribute.
5. Add a personalised request message.
6. Click yes if you want to preselect the option to contribute to processing fees on behalf of the donor? (Donors can deselect)
For example: A donor who selects to give $100 on the giving form can choose to increase donation by 5% to contribute towards processing costs. Donation for $105 is charged to credit card or direct debit. Generous calculates transaction fees for a $105 donation.
Want to know more? Go to our article how to contribute towards processing fees when giving?
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