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Change Log: July 2021

We've launched fixes into our platform. Here is the latest list for the period July 2021.


Gift History date search does not match search results

An issue was identified when searching for donations within a date range on the Gift History page. The search result may include donations outside the date range specified. The reason was that the search filter was using the donation creation date instead of the donation process date. The process date may occur later than the creation date if the donation was future-dated by the donor, or had previously failed and needed a re-attempt. 

This bug has been squashed!


An issue with copying a campaign 

An issue was identified when copying a campaign that may have resulted in changes to the original campaign. 

This bug has been squashed!

For information on how to copy a campaign please visit > Copying a Campaign 


GEN-883 Receipt emails and organisation notification not sent for PayPal donations

An issue was identified where the donation notification email may not have been received when making a PayPal donation. 

This bug has been squashed!

For information on how to enable PayPal please visit > Connecting Generous with PayPal

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