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Setup and Manage Keywords

Manage keywords for all campaigns (Organisation Admin users only)

To see your organisation’s unique Text to Give number and manage keywords go to Menu > Settings > Text to Give

Note: you must be an Organisation Admin or higher to access this screen. Alternatively you can see your unique Text to Give number within the Campaign Editor on the Overview tab.

Add a keyword via Settings > Text to Give (Organisation Admin users only)

Go to Settings > Text to Give

In the top section, add a keyword in the text box. Then choose a campaign from dropdown. Then click +Add

Donors can now use this keyword to make donations by text.

Note: campaigns can only have one keyword at a time. And a keyword can only be used once (one campaign at a time). If a campaign already has a keyword, the campaign will not appear in the dropdown list. If you’d like to change the keyword for a campaign, you can either delete it from the list on the bottom of this screen or you can go to the campaign editor and change the keyword on the Overview tab.

Add, change or remove a keyword via the Campaign Editor

Go to Campaigns and click “Edit” on a campaign. On the Overview tab, scroll down to “Enable Text to Give?”

You will need to turn the toggle to “Yes”. Then in the text box, type your keyword.

Donors can now use this keyword to make donations by text.

Note: campaigns can only have one keyword at a time. And a keyword can only be used once (one campaign at a time). If you’d like to use a keyword that was used previously, you will need to remove it by editing the current campaign and the come back to this campaign.

Export Text to Give keywords (Organisation Admin users only)

To export your Text to Give keywords go to Menu > Settings > Text to Give.

Then, in the second section on the right, click on either the Copy, CSV, Excel, PDF or Print button.

Next Article: Tell your Donors about Text to Give.

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